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Let's Encrypt or Commercial Certificates?

Fri Oct 27 2023

In the modern digital world, having a secure website is non-negotiable. The little padlock symbol beside the URL in the browser's address bar, representing a secure SSL/TLS connection, has become synonymous with trust and authenticity. However, obtaining this padlock, via an SSL certificate, presents a choice: to go for a free certificate from Let's Encrypt or to purchase one from a commercial certificate authority? This article aims to shed light on this decision, breaking down the factors that might lead one towards or away from Let's Encrypt.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificates

The pinnacle of SSL certificates, Extended Validation (EV) certificates require a rigorous verification of the domain owner's legal identity. This highest level of validation translates to a display of the company's name in the browser's address bar, a strong indicator of trust and authenticity to visitors. However, this premium feature is not offered by Let's Encrypt, steering those in need towards commercial providers.

Wildcard Certificates

Wildcard certificates are a boon for those with multiple subdomains under a single domain. Let's Encrypt does offer wildcard certificates, but with a catch. The management might be technically challenging for some. Commercial providers often bundle these certificates with additional features and management tools making the process less daunting.

Customer Support

In the realm of SSL certificates, having a helping hand can be invaluable. Commercial SSL providers often have dedicated customer support, providing guidance through the process. In contrast, Let's Encrypt operates with a community support forum, which might not suffice in critical situations.

Certificate Lifetimes

Let's Encrypt certificates come with a maximum lifetime of 90 days. This necessitates frequent renewals, which could be an administrative burden. Commercial certificates, on the other hand, offer longer lifetimes, alleviating the hassle of frequent renewals.

Additional Features

Stepping beyond mere SSL certificates, commercial providers often offer additional security features like malware scanning and vulnerability assessments. These added layers of security can be enticing for those looking to bolster their website's defense.


Compatibility issues can arise with Let's Encrypt certificates in certain systems or older devices. Commercial certificates often boast broader compatibility, ensuring a seamless user experience across the board.


In the unlikely event of SSL certificate failure leading to data breaches, commercial SSL providers often offer warranties providing financial protection. This safety net is absent with Let's Encrypt.

Organization Validation (OV) Certificates

Similar to EV, Organization Validation (OV) certificates entail a verification of the organization's details. Though not as robust as EV, they still provide a level of trust not achievable with Let's Encrypt certificates.

Management and Automated Renewals

Managing SSL certificates across multiple domains can be simplified with platforms offered by commercial providers. Automated renewals, in particular, can be a significant time-saver.

Policy or Regulatory Compliance

Certain organizational policies or regulatory frameworks might necessitate procuring SSL certificates from specified providers or achieving particular validation levels, nudging one towards commercial providers.

The choice between Let's Encrypt and Commercial SSL certificates isn't black and white. It's a nuanced decision hinging on individual or organizational needs, technical expertise, and perhaps even budget constraints. While Let's Encrypt's free SSL certificates are a monumental step towards a more secure web, commercial SSL certificates hold their ground by offering a spectrum of features catering to diverse needs.