
ShīnChvën ✨

Effective Accelerationism

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Koa Router with FeathersJS V5

Fri Apr 14 2023

New Version

FeathersJS V5 is out. FeathersJS now uses KoaJS as its default application core instead of ExpressJS, with some slight differences between the two.

For example, I can't generate routed middleware with @feathersjs/cli. Since it's still a KoaJS application, I can still can bring the koa-router to the party.

Use @koa/router in FeathersJS

First, install the @koa/router package.

npm install @koa/router
# Type Definition
npm install --save-dev @types/koa__router

Then, create a new file src/middlewares/index.ts in FeatherJS project and add the following code.

import {Application} from '../declarations';
import Router from '@koa/router';

const router = new Router();

export const middlewares = (app: Application) => {
  // All middlewares will be registered here

  // Register middlewares here, you can also move this middleware to a separate file like `src/middlewares/health.ts`
  router.get('/health', async (ctx) => {
    ctx.body = 'OK';


Finally, register the middleware in src/app.ts.

import {middlewares} from './middlewares';

// Register middlewares